We sample a slice of everything on this trip - from flow trails to some techy steeps. We'll be close to main centres, as well as getting a little bit backcountry. So here's a list what we take when we visit the Dolomites to ride...
The list
This list is our recommendations for all things riding in the Dolomites. It's not a list of non-riding gear, because we'll leave that stuff up to you. It's up to you how many pairs of underwear etc you bring. One thing to note though - we're in the mountains, and the weather can change and get cold!!
If you want proper protection, we recommend the EVOC bike bags for trabvl. They weight more than a box, but the protection provided by the EVOC bikes bags are unrivaled and the wheels are VERY handy. A great example here: https://www.evocsports.com/BIKE-BAG/100411131
This is an ongoing debate we have had internally here but the bottom line is that you simply won't get better protection than a full face helmet. We ride a number of different types of trails on this trip, which include jump lines and also rocky technical trails - both of which justify a fullface helmet. By the same token we also do some trail rides where a fullface helmet may seem a little much. Our recommendation is a convertible helmet such as the Leatt MTB 4.0 Enduro V21.
We are riding on forest trails as well as some alpine rocky terrain. Save those elbows!
Same rule applies. You're not getting any younger, and those knees need to stay intact and beautiful.
The likelihood of pinches etc is high here, and if you go with tubes you'll regret it!! by all means, bring a spare tube or two, but make sure you're set up for tubeless.
Bring this basic kit with you - bacon strips etc... As above, we're riding some rocky terrain and you never know when you're going to have a hole that requires a little more than tyre sealant to plug it.
This is the greatest invention since sliced bread, and the dropper post. You never know what you'll need it for. You don't need to bring a whole roll, but grab an old clothes peg and wrap some duct tape around it a few times.
Never leave home without a trail pump! CO2 is a good option also - to save on room, but MAKE SURE you double check with the airline you're flying with, as to whether you're allowed to take CO2 cannisters in your luggage. CO2 cannsiters are available for purchase in Corvara, where we stay.
Bring it. You're up high and the sun is harsh. We won't make you put it on though - we aint yo Mamma.
How you integrate your water carrying system into your riding pack pack or gear carrying system is up to you, but you will need a hydration system! Luckily, we are never too far from a drinkable water source on the trails we ride, so aim for having 1.5 litres being available to you!
Not just for protection, but if the weather turns bad while on trail up high, you'll be glad you had them!!
Again, personal preference, but keep in mind that we will be riding in different areas - out in the open on alpine terrain, as well as in forests where it's a little darker and where the loam will be flicking up in all it's loamy glory.
There will be no judgement if you break out the Pit Vipers either. Well, maybe just a little...
Anything that can be defined as a modern trail or enduro bike with AT LEAST 140 mm of travel. We ride a mix of flow and technical trails, with options to ride drops and features that require a bit of squish.
Having a riding platform that has the ability to climb is helpful too, as you will occassionally be pedaling uphill.
No DH bikes!
Bring a short sleeve and a long sleeve riding shirt. Check out KETL - they're pretty good, and we know a couple of reliable fellas who make em :) https://ketlmtn.com/
In our opinion, bring one of each. See above for recommendations - KETL make some dope gear.
There may be an opportunity to take a dip post-ride.
If you're going to take a dip in a lake in the mountains post-ride, you're gonna need to dry off.
Stating the obvious we know. But bring it!
As we're in the mountains, you never know when the weather will take a turn. Having a decent riding jacket that has rain and wind protection is a must.
Bring a warm layer as an extra garment to put into your riding backpack. Again, we're in the mountains and the weather can change!
One other thing....
Both of the pictured plug types are usable in Italy. Plug type C is the plug which has two round pins and plug type L has three rounded pins. If you are planning on traveling elsewhere in Europe, bring type C!